
We, as modern workers, spend an inordinate amount of time sitting at a desk. Shouldn’t it be a place that inspires us?

The goal of The Well-Appointed Desk is to feature:

  • inspiring desks and work spaces (from home office to working studios)
  • tools we use (from pens and pencils to computer applications)
  • gentle reminders that sometimes, the best tool for the job is pen and paper
  • vintage and modern wares for the office
  • accoutrements (from pencil cups to binder clips)
  • links to other sites with a passion for office supplies, paper goods and writing instruments
  • and to infuse joy, beauty and whimsy into day-to-day office drudgery

Things we (probably) won’t be covering:

  • Craft rooms (though I love a good craft space, lots of other sites cover this topic so we’ll be focusing on the business-side of the well-appointed desk)
  • Super Kawaii (I love fruit-scented, shaped erasers as much as the next person but I’ll try to keep this a little more upscale than that — I’m not making any promises though!)

As a self-professed lover of office supplies and paper goods, it seemed only fitting that I share the great finds and inspiration.


Occasionally, companies will contact me (entirely unsolicited) and offer products free of charge for me to review and giveaway to readers. I do my best to review them honestly, without bias, to help readers make the best choices about products. I will try to include a disclaimer if a product was given to me free of charge for review purposes but know that, should I forget, it is human error and not an attempt to obfuscate its origins. I have never received compensation beyond actual products for any of my reviews. This blog is done for the love of pens, paper and office supplies. I’m not getting rich here, not even rich enough to buy a cup of coffee.

Please let me know if you find anything that should be added to the site.

Thanks for visiting!

Follow me on Twitter @wellapptdesk or on App.net @Ana.

For more information about the person behind The Well-Appointed Desk, check out my about.me page.

23 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi – I check out your website often for enjoyment and inspiration. Question – I found a vintage desk accessory item in an antique shop, bought it, but now I’m thinking of selling it. I don’t have an account on etsy or ebay. Can you suggest somewhere that I could post it? Possibly does your site post such things? If you’d like to see it, I can send a photo – just tell me how to. It has a wooden base, a well for resting your writing instrument, a teal ink bottle for filling with ink, and a little “bookcase” with matchbox sized boxes for reinforcements, labels, etc. between 2 wire “bookends.”
    Thanks, Carol

  2. Pingback: LOST: One giveaway winner! |

  3. I am developing a product that may fit in well with the context of your website.

    For artists and notetakers who are still in love with the pen… and their iPad

    I hope you’ll take a moment to look and if you like it perhaps post it on your site.

    NOTEBLOX – the magnetic, stackable iPad journals

    The NOTEBLOX are simple blank paper journals, with 12 neodymium magnets built into the back and front cover. The magnets hold the iPad in the back, and pens, pencils, styluses and other NOTEBLOX on the front. The magnetic binding system provides a simple and convenient package for carrying your notebook, stylus, pen and iPad together. When you’ve filled the pages the NOTEBLOX remains a clever object and is designed to be archived, rather than discarded.

    thank you,


      • I agree! I don’t even understand how anyone is supposed to write with a pen if they can’t write in cursive. Printing takes forever and doesn’t have any flow. Kids nowadays are practically illiterate anyway; this just sends them another step in that direction. I’m not denigrating educators; it’s the lack of emphasis that we place on education that is the problem. I don’t understand how anyone is supposed to get by in a world where people don’t know how to sign their own name. Just call me old-fashioned.

  4. You asked about the SM1 nib for a Sheaffer Cadet pen. The meaning of the code is: Semi-flex Medium; i.e. the “S” means “semi-flex”. I have three Ebay pens of this type and the G1, F1, M1, and SM1 nibs, also from Ebay. I got two in perfect condition for a very low price and one which had a damaged sac and seal for a very high price (misidentified as a Snorkel!). I repaired the last one and now I have more of these pens than I am very likely to ever need (although I do like them).

  5. I came across this blog while googling Midori Traveler’s Notebook, something I only heard of today, getting serious about organizing my papers and tools for writing and drawing and seems like your blog is a good fit for me at this time 🙂

  6. Your blog totally saved me from going crazy. I got the Pilot C-50 fountain pen and I could not figure out how to use the ink bladder. Once finished reading the blog on that pen, you hooked me. I enjoy your insights and links to products.

  7. Hey! I really love your site!
    But I have one question: which ink did you use in your TWSBI Diamond Mini Review? I really love the color of the ink, but I am not sure which one was used. the color seems to fit one of your reviewed noodler’s inks but please help me out 😉

  8. I receive so many great comments on my first rubber stamp I got from you I decided to get three more today and rotate things around a bit. Have you ever considered carrying ink stamp pads in your store? I was surprised at how hard they are to find these days locally. Just a thought.

Comment, question, suggestion?